Friday, January 18, 2008

Some Things I HATE

here are some things that i hate...

1)cars and bikes with smoke coming out from their exhausts


3)the canteen food

4)cars with enormous exhaust pipes that go VROOOMM....(like its so cool)

5)people that drive slow in front of my car

6)stupid people that block me and my trolley in supermarkets and don't even know

7)those typical act pai ah bengs with the typical "cool"hair style (dyed), billabong type pants, big basketball shoes and walk like they are so cool......(i think arr, when they see mouse they run like girl arr)=P

8)those annoying fruit sellers in Sunday market that shout'' sekilodualinggit,sekilodualinggit,sekilodualinggit'' again and again...

9)MAS' food

10)people that cough or sneeze without closing their mouths.....(i usually hold my breath and run away)....unless they do it in the lift...then I'm really angry...

11)People going into the lift when I havent even gotten out

12)Emo people Alex emo alex emo

13)People saying people's father's names(besides saying Hong Boon Kheng)

14)dirty people db

There you go...I'm sure some of you feel the same....

1 comment:

Yvonne Lee said...

hahaha,,,u damn funny ar...make me laugh and laugh nia...hahah..
