Monday, December 3, 2007


Dear readers,
sorry for my delay to update my blog....that's cos i didn't have much time lately and i just didn't know what to talk about.But when i was in the shower just now, i suddenly had a brain wave-why not talk about Taxi Drivers????So in this post I'm going to talk about Taxi drivers-what if one of our classmates became a taxi driver????well, lets see......

now lets see one by one, our classmates if they were to be a taxi driver.....what would happen?what kind of taxi driver would they be?Lets start with the geek of the class...

1)Yu Yang-you would definitely find a dictionary or two, and a couple of copies of the National Geographic magazine in the back pocket of the front seat.Probably a Rosary bead hanging from the mirror(because we all know that yy is a true believer).and he would wear sandals with socks.....but this taxi driver would be quite a good one, coz he would give passengers a lot of information on the history of Sarawak.This taxi driver will obey all traffic rules and drive at a maximum of 57 mph........and he will definitely still have the same hair style like today's.....

2)Alex-this taxi driver would most likely be a quiet one, and will easily be agitated and annoyed, even if he thinks that the passengers are talking too much(he would most probably ask them to shut up)....lets just say you'd better ask him to keep the change .....

3)Stephen-this guy will be a bubbly taxi driver and is the kind that would hang out in kopitiams with his friends, and liak chua(catch snake)......

4)Mallek-his taxi would have a Jamaican theme to it, with a Jamaican flag on the roof, and a tourist poster of VISIT JAMAICA and a map of Jamaica stuck on the window......a journey in his taxi would be a bumpy one as he will constantly head bang and sing with the Sean Kingston song that he would play, making the ride all the more nostalgic/dangerous........his hair would be the kind of Caribbean black people with those kind of hair.....and he would wear a lot of bling...peace man!!!
5)Nigel-lets not go there

6)Siang Bo-taxi driver??? haha!!!!!okok relax....hahahahahahahahahahaha ......this lil' dude will take the longest routes to the chosen destination so that he can get more money when using the taxi meter......sometimes he would go round a roundabout 2 times.....

7)Andy-no comments...i just wanted the number 7 spot.....^_^

8)Reuben-the know-it-all taxi man, or should i say the know-it-oil taxi man.Passengers will find Reuben very useful when it comes to places to find the best seafood(come to think of it, he does look like the kind that likes his seafood).....and he will also give a lot of info on our country's history unless the passenger is Malay, or any other Islamic races....when he sees them, he drive past them while pointing his middle finger......

9)Leandre-the the th t t...the i gi gi....give up...

10)Kevin-this dude would ask a lot about the passenger.Where did u come from?What is your name?When are you going back?But the passenger soon realises that all he does is ask questions...and sometimes things get out of hand when he asks...Are you gonna give me the change?Can you shut up?What the f***?

11)Owen-this guy would most probably talk about badminton,badminton,and more badminton.....he would say that he could have been Malaysia's best badminton player if it wasn't for Andy, who beat him badly in the state championship and broke his leg.......*touch wood*(for the break leg part only)

well, that's all folks!!i hope you like it and i hope the people mentioned above wouldn't be angry or anything coz this is all just 4 fun...thx 4 understanding......

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