aaaaaa....what's up doc? Well, if you care about me, you will read this post. If you don't its okay. I understand. I understand that you don't care. No, no, don't start apologising..its okay...no really...if you don't care just look away. There's no use giving me that sad look. No, it's okay...really...it doesn't matter....i know that you don't care. I know...nvm 1....nvm....*sniff sniff*...i just got smt in my eye..nvm 1.... just click that red juicy fat button on the top right hand corner. Nvm.I understand.. it okay 1.....note:if you don't care, then F*** YOU :P wakakakakaka...
But just think.Having that bloody thing stuck in your vein for about an hour! I had to have that thing there because the doctor in charged of the CT scan needed to inject some liquid into my bloodstream through the needle.
And when the liquid got into my blood stream, my left hand became cold. Then after about 20 seconds, my neck became warm! Followed by my shoulders, and lower, and lower. Weird feeling.
The images you get from a CT scan is like the picture above. . . . . . MY results came out, and it turns out that i didn't need an operation. If i were to explain to you exactly what the thing really was, you'll fall asleep. Trust me. That was what happened in the doctor's room when he explained it to me! :P
Basically, the lump was what you call a lymph node.Everyone has lymph nodes. Its just that mine is weird. The doctor says that it couldn't be cancerous because lymph nodes smaller than 1 cm in diameter are no cause for concern. So yeah....WOOT!
Well, i really appreciate all of you who asked me how i was, and who wished my good luck. Thank you all. And for those who didn't, F*** YOU! :P hahaha...i'm serious. WAKAKAKAKA.. note:for the readers that didn't read until here, FU** YOU TOO! hahahahaha
ahh crocs....The rubbery wonder..So comfortable, and fashionable...
NOT! OMFG i gotta rinse my mouth. Or rather, my fingers and keyboard. I cant believe that i just used the word 'fashionable' about crocs! OMG!
I just hate hate hate it. I don't understand how and why there is a market for this! It should be extinct! Seems that Singapore is filled with it! I understand that you cant litter or anything like that, but wearing CROCS? What is the Singaporean government doing? The whole island is literally littered with this fashion disaster. ~
~I'm not the only one who hates crocs!
- There's a website called http://ihatecrocs.com/
- A Washington Post article described the phenomenon: "Nor is the fashion world enamored of Crocs. Though their maker touts their 'ultra-hip Italian styling,' lots of folks find them hideous."(whatever that means. All i know is that they hate it too!)
- Crocs are #6 on the "Worst" list of Maxim's "The 10 Best & Worst Things to Happen to Men in 2007."
- Crocs have also made an appearance in the the movie Idiocracy: In the movie, which presents a future in which culture greatly degrades over time and the general public is made up of morons, some characters, including the main character, can be seen wearing shoes resembling Crocs.
This guy was caught with his crocs in my class. He can only be identified as Merv the Perv...
This rocker drummer is seen with his fashion disaster crocs playing PSP during teacher's day. NOT FUNNY BER**RD
Okay guys, that's all the time i have for now. Hope you enjoyed it. And i hope you DON'T WEAR CROCS....note:if you do, then fu** you... :P
btw, im just joking..so if you wear crocs, up to u lah...its just a blog anyway...whatever...:P