Friday, May 16, 2008

Teacher's Day


Its that time of year again-Teacher's Day! Its also mufti day, a day when we don't have to wear uniform to school. Yeah its kinda cool, but i don't like it. Because i don't know what to wear. I'm sure a lot of you face this problems too. Here are a few types of possible conversations depending on what kind of person you are:
Ah Beng 1:Hey brade...what are you wearing tomorrow?
Ah Beng 2:Mai ku..i almost forgot about it. Dunno what to wear lah. You leh?
Ah Beng 1:I think should be can wear ear rings right?
Ah Beng 2:I dunno lah. I think can...U got ear rings meh? i thought your parents
take away?
Ah Beng 1:Aiyah..I use my grandmother's one lah...
Ah Beng 2:Owh you mean Tracy?
Ah Beng 1:Chao Cib** dont say my grandmother's name lah.
Ah Beng 2:I want bo how leh? you ba song u ask her come find me lah...
Ah Beng 1:Fu** you laa....I call my St.Jo Friends here then you know!
Ah Beng 2:Fu** !fu** !fu**!...Everything Fu**! You call your Friends lah! I call my
St. Mary friends arr...
Ah Lien 1:Hey Girrlll....Whats up?...Like...what are you like...gonna wear for's day?
Ah Lien 2:OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! I almost forgot about it! Im forgetful! i that old? OMG! Are there any wrinkles on my forehead already?
Ah Lien 1:Owh please! You don't have to like... be such a drama queen! ugh...Come on..What are you like...gonna wear?
Ah Lien 2:Me? I'm like...gonna wear whatever! You know what i mean?*giggles*
Ah Lien 1:Well, i think i'm gonna like... mix and match! I have like...a bead necklace , which will go great with green skirt! Its gonna be so totally awesome!
Ah Lien 2:OMFG no waaaayyy....That's so totally cool! Is it the necklace we like....bought in like..
Ah Lien 1&2:THE SPRING?*giggles*
Ah lien 2:Yeah! Btw, that reminds me...are you like... going to the MNG sale? OMG...its totally cool!
Ah lien 1:heck yeah girl!!
[continues to talk about Spring]
Nerd 1:Hello my friend. So what are you going to be putting on for the coming occasion which happens once every 3.155 x 10^7 days?
Nerd 2:Oh hello. I'm going to wear my favourite chequered shirt! With my shorts, belt, long yellow socks, and sandals!
Nerd 1: That's gonna be great! i'm sure you will look stunning. I'm going to put on my favourite T-shirt, belt,and long pants. Do you think i should tuck in? Or not?
Nerd 2:Of course tuck in! You will look totally neat....Janice will be so attracted to you...
Nerd 1:HAHA please...You're making me blush...
Nerd 2:I know you like her okay...
Nerd 1:SHH!! Don't tell anyone okay...
Nerd 2:Sure thing...By the way,....have you finished the homework she gave us?
Geek 1:Greetings my interstellar friend. Are you attending the Teacher's day celebrations?
Geek 2:Greetings to you too. My the almighty Zoltan reign upon our souls and those in the far reaches of the Lucilia Galaxy. HAHA i quoted that from episode 43 of The Balanar Battles.*laughs like a geek*Yes i am attending. Why do you inquire?
Geek 1:I would like to ask what you are wearing for that day.
Geek 2:Owh i already asked my mum to iron my superman costume. You?
Geek 1:Wow that's neat! I'm either wearing my Darth Vader or my C3PO costume, which costs about 1000 bucks.
Geek 2:That's interesting...the last time Episode 4 came out, the price went up to 3000. How could you have gotten it at such a cheep price?
Geek 1:Well, the shop owner is a fan of Balanar Battles too! And we both agreed that The Nerubian Emperor should be blamed for King Athrad's death. *laughs like a geek*
Geek 2:*laughs like a geek* That''s not fair...*laughs like a geek*
Streetie 1:YO dawg! whats up?
Streetie 2:Yo! you feelin' me?
Streetie 1:Yeah.So check it out..The teacher's day celebrations are coming. What are you gonna put on dawg?
Streetie 2:I'm gonna put on my Chains DUDE! Yeah. My baggy pants, my white
XXXL T-shirt, and my chains....yeah..u feelin' it?
Streetie 1:Aww man that's cool. Im using my golden bling! It says 'Nigga'...Cool eh?
Streetie 2:Fu** you man!
Emo 1:hey.......
Emo 2:hey.......
Emo 1:You going to the teacher's day celebrations?
Emo 2:Fu** it! What are you trying to tell me? Is this a Sign? HELP
Emo 1:That's deep.......that's deep.....
Emo 2:Umm...yeah im going...............................................why?WHY?WHY???
Emo 1:What are you wearing?
Emo 2:Why Do you care so much? WHY?!? Is this another sign? What are you
doing to me??!?!?!? Gahhh!!!
Emo 1:Here...a pen knife...
Emo 2:*grabs the pen knife and cuts her arm*... YEAH...YEAH!!!
Emo 1:That's deep...that's deep...
Emo 2:So what are you wearing?
Emo 1:The usual...Black...And tons of mascara...
Emo 2:Me too....That's deep....that's deep.....
So yeah....there's a few possible conversations....
As always, the assembly was packed, hot, smelly and noisy.... Come to think of it, you can describe our school's assembly like how you would describe someone's ass....LOL....

I took this picture in my class.... We gave our teachers apples, with notes stuck on them.

Cikgu Anita, with Evonne, and Xiao Juin....And on the table is a rose, given by Benjamin Sim....nice....

Mrs Ngu, with her apple....

And her being Ah Lian...OMG this picture is soooo cool....I mean...How the Fu** can you get a teacher to do that? wakakakakakakakaka...

Thanks Mr Linus,
For your patience;
For being there with us,
Even when liverpool is below expectations.
Thanks Mrs Ngu,
For being there for me;
gah...excuse me...
Thanks Miss Teo,
For not being angry;
When me and Raymond Ho,
Say 'Not Funnyyy'!
Thanks Cikgu Susanna,
For always being there;
I'll give you a banana,
If I remember..hehe.
Thanks Cikgu Anita,
For all those experiments;
Although i hate PEKA,
I wont forget the moments.
Thanks Mr Goh,
For all the training;
Its raining...
Thanks Mr Kenny,
I really like your lessons;
Lets go to Kenny;
Rogers, and eat roasted chickens.
Thanks Miss Siaw,
I dont like chemistry;
Or maybe im just siau,
Or just a bit lazy.
Thanks Cikgu Mikit,
Everyday, i'm going to plant a biscuit;
Because sedikit sedikit,
Lama lama menjadi bukit.
To all the teachers,
I would like to say;
Thank you for teaching us,
Have a happy teacher's day.
Happy teachers day, and to all of you, have a nice day...

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