~A day of Paintball, a week of ouchness~
Yeah i bet you are wondering what happened huh? Well, Today i went for paintball with the gang at the paintball place near Saberkas. And i'm proud to say that yours truly made the most kills. =) wakakakaka...
From YOUR Left to Right:Derek, Aaron, Eric's bro, Eric, Bryan, Yu Yang, ME!, Danson, Stephen, and Shaun. The Stupid guy on the floor is Cho Tzen (:P)
Howeverrr(Cikgu Danny Style),.....i got hurt. Ahah, well most of us did. It's just a rough game, and THAT, boys and girls, IS WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER, and i mean NEVER GO PLAY PAINTBALL WITH SHORT SLEEVES!!! @.@ Just look at the picture below!Yeah it's my hand. Ouch....It still hurts while i type...and if you see properly, the wound is giving that '0' look... It looks a little bit like a face. Im gonna call it Carl. Carl hurts. Ouch...
The hit that formed Carl was shot by a relatively far range, but it made a wound that was very very very painful.
Being in the science stream, i did some research, and i made the following conclusion. Based on the application of Newton's Second law, with the formula F=ma, and also applying the rules of momentum, and considering the factors involved, I, Andy Tan, have calculated that...
Paintball=A Hell Lot Of Pain
And thus, Paintball should be named PAINBALL instead...ouch.It hurts just thinking of it!!
That's it for now, but i promise to update again soon. Sneek Preview: Mega Mac
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